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The intent of the Program is to provide immediate and near-term financial and technical support to help small communities survive this and future droughts.

A Sub-Program of the DWR Small Community Drought Relief Program is the County Drought Resilience Planning 2023 Grants (non-competitive) to fund the establishment of a standing drought task force or development of the County Drought Resilience Plan, Per SB 552. DWR will award up to $125,000 per county that request financial assistance. Applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis until all funds are awarded, or until December 29, 2023, whichever comes first.

To view guidelines click link: https://water.ca.gov/-/media/DWR-Website/Web-Pages/Water-Basics/Drought/Files/Resources/County-Planning-Sub-Program-Instructions.pdf

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