Deadline: Bridge Investment Program, Bridge Projects Applications
September 8, 2022
This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to solicit applications for three categories of Bridge Investment Program (BIP) funding opportunities: (1) Planning; (2) Bridge Projects (projects with eligible costs less than $100 million); and (3) Large Bridge Projects (projects with eligible costs greater than $100 million). Eligible applicants may submit applications for any of the three funding categories, but each category has distinct eligibility and selection criteria and application deadlines.
These funds will be awarded on a competitive basis for planning, feasibility analysis, and revenue forecasting associated with the development of a project that would subsequently be eligible to apply for BIP funding under either the Bridge Projects or Large Bridge Projects funding categories.
A total of $2.36 billion in 2022 BIP funds are available for the Bridge Projects and Large Bridge Projects funding opportunities. These funds will be awarded on a competitive basis for bridge replacement, rehabilitation, preservation, and protection projects that: (1) improve the safety, efficiency, and reliability of the movement of people and freight over bridges; and (2) improve the condition of bridges in the United States by reducing (a) the number of bridges, and total person miles traveled over bridges, that are in poor condition or that are in fair condition and at risk of falling into poor condition within the next three years, or (b) the number of bridges, and total person miles traveled over bridges, that do not meet current geometric design standards or cannot meet the load and traffic requirements typical of the regional transportation network. In addition, Large Bridge Projects that receive a BIP award of not less than $100 million are eligible for multiyear grants, in which DOT can award available funds to a project over the course of several years in accordance with an agreement and in alignment with its schedule. In selecting Bridge Projects and Large Bridge Projects, FHWA will consider the extent to which BIP funds leverage non-Federal contributions from sponsors and stakeholders involved in the planning, design, and construction of eligible projects.
For more information visit here.