Deadline: Distance Learning and Telemedicine Grants

To learn more, visit: DLT Program provides financial assistance to enable and improve distance learning and telemedicine services in rural areas. DLT grant funds support the use of telecommunications-enabled information, audio and video equipment, and related advanced technologies by students, teachers, medical professionals, and rural residents. These grants [...]

Deadline: Technical Assistance to Brownfields Communities

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Brownfields and Land Revitalization (OBLR) is soliciting applications from eligible entities to provide technical assistance to assist communities facing brownfields challenges Applications are due by February 14, 2023. Learn more.

Deadline: Brownfields Training, Research, and Technical Assistance

The EPA’s OBLR Office is soliciting applications for funding to eligible entities to provide training, research, and technical assistance to facilitate the inventory of brownfield sites, site assessments, remediation of brownfield sites, community involvement, or site preparation. Applications are due by February 14, 2023. Learn more.

Deadline: U.S. DOT’s Small Business Innovation Research Grant Program

USDOT is now accepting proposals for funding from its Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program, which awards contracts to small businesses across the country to spur research and commercialization of innovative transportation technologies in select research areas. The current (FY 2023) SBIR Solicitation is open from February 7, 2023, through [...]

Webinar: Regional Infrastructure Accelerators Grant

The Build America Bureau will host a webinar for prospective grant applicants about the Regional Infrastructure Accelerator program and $24 million available in funding.   Register:  

White House Climate and Environmental Justice Briefing

Speakers include: Ali Zaidi, White House National Climate Advisor Stephenne Harding, Senior Director of Lands, White House Council on Environmental Quality Jalonne White-Newsome, Senior Director for Environmental Justice, White House Council on Environmental Quality Register: