Deadline: Pilot-Program for Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Planning Application

The Pilot Program for TOD Planning helps support FTA’s mission of improving public transportation for America’s communities by providing funding to local communities to integrate land use and transportation planning around a new fixed guideway or core capacity improvement project. Per statute, any comprehensive or site specific planning funded through [...]

Deadline: Natural Gas Distribution Infrastructure Safety and Modernization Grant Applications

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) (Pub. L. 117-58) provides funding for the Natural Gas Distribution Infrastructure Safety and Modernization (NGDISM) Grant Program. NGDISM funds are available for municipality- or community-owned utilities (not including for-profit entities) to repair, rehabilitate, or replace their natural gas distribution pipeline system or [...]

Deadline: Bridge Investment Program, Planning Grant Applications

This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to solicit applications for three categories of Bridge Investment Program (BIP) funding opportunities: (1) Planning; (2) Bridge Projects (projects with eligible costs less than $100 million); and (3) Large Bridge Projects (projects with eligible costs greater than $100 million). Eligible applicants may submit [...]

Webinar: Ferry Grant Programs NOFO Webinar

Ferry Grant Programs NOFO Webinar FTA will be hosting webinars to discuss the requirements of the funding opportunity and how to apply. Potential applicants are welcome to attend any of the webinars. Wednesday, July 27, 2022 | 2:30PM EDT Webinar

Webinar: Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) Grant Program

Register: The U.S. Department of Transportation is hosting an informational webinar for potential applicants to learn more about the Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) Grant Program. This “Getting Ready” webinar will feature general information about the application process, technology demonstration areas covered by the grant program, and [...]

Webinar: Reconnecting Communities Grant Program Overview

Register: The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) is hosting an encore presentation of the “Interested in Applying?” webinar to provide a general overview of the new DOT Reconnecting Communities Pilot (RCP) discretionary grant program for prospective applicants, including an overview of the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) and [...]

Webinar: New Ferry Programs

Ferry Grant Programs NOFO Webinar, with a focus on new ferry programs Thursday, July 28, 2022 | 2:30PM EDT Webinar

Deadline: WaterSMART Grants- Water and Energy Efficiency Grants for Fiscal Year 2023

This Water and Energy Efficiency Grants Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) provides funding for projects that result in quantifiable water savings, implement renewable energy components, and support broader sustainability benefits. These projects conserve and use water more efficiently; increase the production of renewable energy; mitigate conflict risk in areas [...]