EPA Webinar: Water Infrastructure Funding in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
REGISTER HERE The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) invites communities to join our July 13 webinar to learn how the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) funding can help communities improve their water and wastewater infrastructure. For example, the BIL invests $43 billion through the State Revolving Funds (SRFs), with a [...]
Webinar on Railroad Capital Project Guidance
Webinar on Middle Mile Grant Program Project Portion
REGISTER HERE This webinar will provide an in-depth look at all the parameters that proposed projects must meet under the Enabling Middle Mile Broadband Infrastructure Program. This webinar will provide applicants with technical assistance and prepare them to write high-quality applications. With $1 billion in funding, the Enabling Middle [...]
Webinar: Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program
REGISTER HERE The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) is hosting a webinar to provide a general overview of the new DOT Reconnecting Communities Pilot (RCP) discretionary grant program, including an overview of the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) and the evaluation criteria. The RCP discretionary grant program is the [...]
BTS Federal Support for Local Decision-making Public Listening Session
REGISTER HERE On July 14, 2022 at 1 PM (ET), the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) will host a public listening session in support of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). The meeting will be [...]
Webinar: Railroad Crossing Elimination Grant Program Notice of Funding Opportunity Webinar
REGISTER HERE Join the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) to learn about the new Railroad Crossing Elimination (RCE) Grant Program established under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, and its notice of funding opportunity (NOFO). The RCE Grant Program makes available $573,264,000 in funding for highway-rail and pathway-rail grade crossing improvement projects that focus on [...]
Webinar: Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Marine Debris Removal Grants
The NOAA Marine Debris Program will award up to $56 million through funding provided by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law for projects that remove marine debris to benefit marine and Great Lakes habitats and communities. This competition focuses on two priorities: removing large marine debris and using proven interception technologies [...]
Electric Vehicle Working Group Nominations
The Joint Office of Energy and Transportation announced it is accepting nominations for committee members that will make up the Federal Advisory Committee Act Electric Vehicle (EV) Working Group, which aims to make recommendations regarding EV development, adoption, and integration across the United States. The office seeks nominations for [...]
Buyer Side Chat: FHWA
REGISTER HERE During this Buyer Side Chat session you will be hearing from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) on how to strategically leverage your small business in federal contracting. Attendees will be able to: • Find out how to market your services as a small business to FHWA • [...]
Talent Pipeline Challenge Briefing for Construction Stakeholders
You are invited to a briefing this week, Wednesday, July 20 from 2:15 pm–3:00 pm ET, focused on how construction sector stakeholders can engage in the Administration’s Talent Pipeline Challenge to help spur efforts to recruit, train, and support a skilled and ready workforce for the jobs to implement [...]
Deadline: Pilot-Program for Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Planning Application
The Pilot Program for TOD Planning helps support FTA’s mission of improving public transportation for America’s communities by providing funding to local communities to integrate land use and transportation planning around a new fixed guideway or core capacity improvement project. Per statute, any comprehensive or site specific planning funded through [...]
Deadline: Natural Gas Distribution Infrastructure Safety and Modernization Grant Applications
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) (Pub. L. 117-58) provides funding for the Natural Gas Distribution Infrastructure Safety and Modernization (NGDISM) Grant Program. NGDISM funds are available for municipality- or community-owned utilities (not including for-profit entities) to repair, rehabilitate, or replace their natural gas distribution pipeline system or [...]